The population in France is 64,057,792 people in France. From 0-14 there is 18.6%. From the ages of 15-64 it is 65%. Last from ages 64 and over the percent of people are 16.4%. The life expectancy rate for men is 77 to 79, and for women it is 84 to 88 years old.
There religion are:
Roman Catholic is 83 to 88 percent of the people.
Protestant is 2 percent of the people.
Jewish is one percent of the people.
Muslim 5-10 percent of people.
Other 4 percent of the people.
The main languages are:
French is 100 percent of the people.
The government is the French Republic.
They have three different branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch.
Executive branch: The chief of state President Nicolas Sarkozy. Head of the government Prime Minister Francois Fillion.
Legislative branch: Consist of the Senate.
Judicial branch: Supreme Court and (judge)